Send a little bit of heaven on earth with this peaceful red and white sympathy bouquet. A serene basket arrangement of roses, lilies, alstroemeria and carnations is accented with a pair of elegant dove picks to offer a comforting tribute during times of sorrow.
Graceful red and white arrangement of roses, lilies, alstroemeria, carnations, mini carnations and monte casino, accented with variegated pittosporum and myrtle
Hand-arranged in a willow handled basket with a pair of peaceful white dove picks; basket measures 8"H
Appropriate to send to the home of friends and family members or to the memorial service
Large arrangement measures approximately 12"H x 12"L
Medium arrangement measures approximately 11"H x 11"L
Small arrangement measures approximately 10"H X 10"L
Our florists hand-design each arrangement, so colors, varieties, and basket may vary due to local availability
Lilies may arrive in bud form and will open to full beauty over the next 2-3 days